At IVLConsulting, we believe that knowledge is the engine of business success.

Star workshops

Everything is negotiation, learn HOW in a practical way.

  • You will know what type of negotiator you are and are.
  • How to do win-win negotiations.
  • You will learn the best negotiation strategies and tactics.
  • You will see real examples

Sales to fall in love with sales

  • You’ll find out why we have such a hard time with the cold door.
  • You will learn methodologies to attract new customers.
  • You will know how the professionals sell, what the process is.
  • You’ll take away a lot of tips and how ChatGPT can help us.

INTEGRAL On+off line marketing plan

  • We will develop an irresistible value proposition.
  • You will choose your ideal customer and know how to meet them and where to find them.
  • We will design a marketing plan to make you known, to be considered, to be bought and to gain loyalty.
  • You will make a budget with indicators.

How to make a PRACTICAL strategic plan

  • You will have quality time to think.
  • Define the objectives that have the most impact
  • You will land them in 4 dimensions: people, processes, customer and finance.
  • You will take with you the planning to implement

The New Way of Doing Business:

Triple social, environmental and economic impact

  • What is triple impact
  • Social dimension: commitment to the community fair working conditions, inclusiveness
  • Environmental dimension: practices to reduce the ecological footprint and to offset
  • Economic dimension: long-term viability
  • Examples applied to current companies
  • Indicators and monitoring

Practical AI for entrepreneurs and SMEs

  • You will understand how AI works, its limits and ethical responsibility.
  • We will enter generative AI:
    • Text
    • Image
    • Video
  • We will work in depth on ChatGPT but also on other tools that will make you better and more productive.
  • Practical workshop.

Don’t miss the opportunity! Book your free consultation

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    Projects with institutions for entrepreneurs